I was born in Parrissinos in Nicosia in 1957. From childhood I loved drawing and painting. Studying in the gymnasium KYKKOU ARRENON some of my  drawings were published in the school magazine ‘’EFIVOS’’, as Christmas cards for charitable aims. 

In 1997 after army service, I studied in Athens in the department of Decorative Arts in   AKTO. Afterwards I entered studies in the GERMAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC AND ADVERTISING DESIGN IN ATHENS.

In 1980 after my graduation    returned to Cyprus, and after exams I was honored   a scholarship from the Cyprus Government for fine arts in Russia (Soviet Union).

In Moscow I studied for seven years in the famous Art Institute “SOYRIKOV’’ in the department of Graphic Arts.

In “SOYRIKOV’’ I was specialized in engraving Techniques in Lino, cardboard, lithography and etching engraving.

In 1987 I graduated from “SOYRIKOV’’ awarded with MA., In Fine Arts.

 I Returned to Cyprus and worked as a teacher in the Art Training centers for Adults of Ministry of Education. In 1988 I worked in the Frederick Polytechnic Institute as a professor in the Department of Graphic Arts and at the same time as a designer in the Advertising Office “Zygos”.

From 1990 up to 1995 I worked as a teacher of Art in Elementary Education. At the same time I was working as an illustrator for the Ministry of Education.

From 1995 until today I teach Art in Cyprus Gymnasium.

Some of the exhibitions  I have been participated are several annual Exhibitions of the   Cyprus Chamber of Art , E k a t e, in the gallery “Ora”, twice in Italy,  in “NEW YORK”, in an exhibition  in HILTON   hotel ,in the exhibition  of artists from the  municipal of Strovolos  ,in an exhibition in  the Bank of  Cyprus gallery,in two  exhibitions in the   gallery “Technis dromena “, a participation  in the Municipal hall  in the town of Larnaka, three participations  in the Russian Cultural Centre, in  the Famagusta Gate  exhibition “Politicians and Caricatures ‘’ ,in the exhibition  “Cypriots Painters of 3rd Millennium at Famagusta Gate  ,  in the International Competition of Graphic Arts in Tokyo – Japan I was awarded  a distinction .

Works of mine can be found in private collections in Cyprus, Russia, America, Italy Japan and other countries.

I am a member of Chamber of Fine Arts Cyprus (EKATE, and a member of  “Cyprus Cartoonist’s Association”.